Radio Nets

The CARBBN Mesh Net is going digital thanks to High Country Digital Radio.  Find them at!

The first Thursday of the month at 19:30 MST.

Use your Hot Spot and join us or use one of the terrestrial repeaters linked below.

Find the Net on the following Talk Groups:
DMR: BM TG 31088
D-Star: DCS/XRF 303D
YSF: 30300
NXDN: TG 31088
P25: TG 31088

Terrestrial Repeaters:

Colorado Preparedness NET
The Colorado Preparedness Net meets each Saturday at 9:30AM on the Colorado Connection for the discussion of preparedness for disasters and other events that could or have affected our state.

Find the Digital Edition Net on the following Talk Groups:
DMR: BM TG 31088
D-Star: DCS/XRF 303D
YSF: 30300
NXDN: TG 31088
P25: TG 31088

Digital Learning Net

Join Doug KEØDC and Bucky WØSUN for the Digital Learning Net on Colorado HD on Wednesdays at 19:00 (7:00 pm MT). It usually lasts until 20:30 (8:30 pm MT).

#DigitalLearningNet #ColoradoDigital #CARBBN

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